
Island Adventure Party 2011 Cheats!

The 2011 Island Adventure Party has begun! Let me take you through an adventure to find all the cheats, lol!

Free Items:

To find the Blue Crab:

Step 1. Open your map and go to the Forest.
Step 2. Enter the Hidden Lake.
Step 3. Click on the Blue Crab sign and buy it for 50 coins.

To find the free Commander Coat:

Also in the Hidden Lake, you see a game going on. Put the Blue Crab costume on your penguin to join the game.

Find the correct colored gems, and you win the free Commander Coat!

There are FIVE other free items! To get them, do the Soda Cream adventure hunt! Click here for our Soda Cream scavenger hunt cheat guide (coming soon).

Find The Missing Cream Soda:

Rockhopper's soda creams are missing! Who stole them! We have to find out! Click here to go to our Cream Soda adventure hunt cheat guide.

Special Party Rooms:
There are two special members only rooms made for the Island Adventure party.

Treefort: Go to the Forest and walk up the to tree to get to the Treefort. .

Ship Battle: Go to the Beach or Cove and click on the row boat to...

...go to the Ship Battle room!

That's all the Island Adventure cheats! Remember to solve the Soda Cream hunt!

Click here to track Rockhopper.
