
Club Penguin Rookie Tracker 2012 & How To Find Rookie!

This is Cena12121's 100% accurate Rookie Tracker! Every time I find Rookie, I will updated this tracker right away. I usually find him every 2-5 minutes so keep refreshing the tracker for updates.

Rookie Online — Tracking Rookie now, LIVE!

Cena12121's Club Penguin Rookie Tracker:

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Here's a cool and easy way to find Rookie! Just get on our Chat Tracker! Here, we cam all stay connected while tracking Rookie. Please read and review the rules before use.

Chat Rules:

1. No swearing
2. No advertising your site, a site, or another chat.
3. No inappropriate language
4. No spamming
5. No linking (including videos and/or pictures)

Trained moderators are online to enforcing these rules. Violators will be banned forever from chat.

*This chat is not created by T.C.P.C. and any incidents that occur while logged in is not our responsibility. For more information, please visit's Privacy Policy.*

Tips and More on Finding Rookie

Who is Rookie?

Rookie is a silly Club Penguin character who is part of the Elite Penguin Force. He is known for his goofy mistakes that he makes all the time! Rookie has appeared in many missions and some Club Penguin video games. He rarely comes on Club Penguin, but if he is online, we'll be sure to track him down!

How can I find Rookie?

Like all other Club Penguin characters, Rookie only comes out during some Club Penguin parties. He can be found in almost all major rooms. Rookie jumps different servers every 5-10 minutes.

Here are some server tips:

— Rookie will be on a 4-5 bar server
— He does go on safe-chat servers
— He does go on different language servers

How does Rookie look like?

Rookie is a green penguin and will always wear a red propeller hat, red sunglasses, and a red hula shirt.

What can I do when I find him?

Once you find Rookie, open his player card and click on the "Get Gift" icon. Rookie will give you a free autographed background!

Also you will automatically get the Rookie Stamp!

Good luck and have fun tracking down Rookie!
