The Club Penguin 2011 Earth Day party is here! Here's all the cheats you'll need.
FREE ITEM: Outback Exploring Hat:Step 1. Open your map and go to the
Step 2. Click on the Outback Exploring Hat box.
ANIMAL COSTUMES:Club Penguin has added some brand new animal costumes! Here's how to find them.
To find the African Painted Dog Costume:Step 1. Go to the
Step 2. Click on the African Painted Dog poster.
To find the Snow Leopard Costume:Step 1. Go to the
Snow Forts.
Step 2. Click on the Snow Leopard poster.
OTHER GOODIES:Go to the Plaza and check out the little Earth Day stand! There, you can watch a
Earth Day video and learn about endangered animals.
I hope everyone has a enjoys the party! I wish that some more rooms where decorated though, right?
Click here to track Rockhopper!
Click here for the Easter Egg Hunt cheats!